boosting personal impact • mastering your speech • contributing ideas successfully
Does your audience engage with your message or is it neglected?
This program is tailored to everybody who wants to have a superior appearance on stage while persuading any audience instantly with a natural style of speaking.
Each and every piece of stage-work is created, to boost personal speaking skills to top level when communicating to clients, employees and stakeholders from the stage.
DAY OF STRUCTURE – the leitmotif that hooks listeners
carry your audience • appear totally natural • persuade by surprise
Can you describe your speech in a single sentence or do you need more?
Are you speaking naturally free or are you progressing your speech chart by chart?
The story director structure day is qualified for every manager and entrepreneur who wants to enter the stage highly confident and follow up the central theme easily every time and everywhere.
Within a single day you have build the foundation for your upcoming speech – the speech that others will be inspired by.
THE ART OF COMPOSITION – why excitement is plannable
creating curiosity • inspire listeners • evolve excitement
Does your audience hang on every word you say or do they lose interest halfway through?
Quite often it´s not a lack of talent, rather than strategies, tactics and tools, that are missing yet.
Maybe you´re facing the number one challenge, when it comes to preparing an outstanding speech – a lack of time. For everybody who is missing preparation time, this program is a highly effective solution.
To ensure, that you speak in a confident and relaxed way, we`ll go trough some live training sessions ‘on stage’.
So you can get the vital spark across to your listeners, after we have build your upcoming speech with a distinct dramatic composition that will hook your audience.

References about the keynote speaker Maximilian Bormann

“This was simply a successful event. You carried us through for 90 minutes with your keynote speech. Your examples inspired us and your ideas are put into practice. Thank you.”
Fred Köhler, Managing Director / CSO, Wipotec GmbH

“I experienced Maximilian Bormann during a Leadership event listening to his talk. Highly professional while being very approachable at the same time. This was full of surprises and very entertaining.”
Sandra Karner, Marketing Operations Europe; Mercedes Benz Van

“Maximilian, what a magnificent speech. Exactly to my taste. You got through to every listener. It´s simply a pleasure, listening to you.”
Dino Kühl, Sales Manager SOHO Vodafone Germany